This could get to be quite a large project.
3rd January 2009
The Eagles - The Complete Greatest Hits.
All the Eagles best tracks from the entire back catalogue.
Includes tracks from the last studio album, Long Road Out Of Eden.
Overall a great album, even better as its a double.

The second album of a 2 for £10 from HMV.
Amy MacDonald - This Is The Life
Heard a couple of tracks "Mr Rock & Roll" & "This Is The Life" on the radio and quite liked them.
Thought I'd risk it for a fiver.
Some tracks not to my taste, but I do like her voice.

A self titled album by a group called the "Fleet Foxes"
I'd not heard of them, until I bumped into a friend in HMV buying a copy.
We both have a similar taste in music, so I looked them up on youtube.
Liked what I heard so the following week, picked a copy up myself.
Not bad for a fiver. (I don't just buy £5 cd's :) )
Oh and the cover photograph, there is a very similar painting in the waiting room at my dentist